Daily Bulletin

 May 17, 2024

At this time please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (wait a few seconds):

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Happy Birthday today:  Colten Calhoun and Alejandra Ozuna-Chavez

  • There will be no bells Friday morning due to AP testing

  • Mr. Stevens focus hour, please report to the cafeteria.

  • Friday is recycle day during focus.  Please move your recycle bins to the hallway so our Team Green can empty them.

  • This week in May is National Police Week.  Please show your appreciation to our Resource Office, Officer Swartz! We sincerely appreciate Officer Swartz for all that she does for us at CHS.

  • Students: For those of you who will need to take summer school to recover any core course you failed in order to graduate on time, please email your counselor to meet with her and get your Summer School Program Packet that will need to be signed by you and your guardian and then returned to your counselor as soon as possible.

  • Ballots were sent out Wednesday  for all students to vote for who they would like to see representing them on Student Council next year.  Let your voice be heard and vote before 2 p.m. today.

  • The Cultural Jubilee festival is May 18th, this upcoming Saturday, from 10 AM to 4 PM at Tibbits Plaza. It's a fun and educational opportunity to expand your knowledge of other cultures. The Culture Club will have an Arab Heritage booth in which there will be henna art, Yemen culture, and AIRA stations as well as food and drinks. We would love to see many there!"

  • Orders to guarantee a yearbook were due last week, but we ordered 30 extra copies for anyone who forgot or missed the deadline. You can reserve one of these extra books at View Website Walsworth Yearbook. Once those 30 copies are gone, sales will close.

  • Color Guard Tryouts are coming up!

Any interested 8th-11th Grade student can participate in the tryouts, so come give it a try!

The dates and times are: May 22nd and 23rd from 5:30-8 pm, and May 24th from 3:30-6 pm. Questions? Please see Mrs. Jewell, or send her an email!

Come be part of the Coldwater Band Family!

Here is a link to the recruitment flyer:

Color Guard Tryouts

Information to be kept in announcements but not to continue to be read aloud:

  • Students - please remember backpacks need to be in your lockers at all times.  Also, you are not allowed to wear sunglasses.  Sunglasses can be worn on your head, just not on your face!  We need to see your eyes!

  • Students, please remember you need a green clinic pass to go to the clinic.  If you need water, please use the drinking fountains throughout the building.

  • The Irma L. English Memorial Music Scholarship is available to any music student attending one of the five area Branch County schools (Bronson, Coldwater, Pansophia, Quincy and Union City). At least one student will be selected from each school to receive a scholarship to the Michigan band camp of their choice.

For Coldwater students only:  The Wendi A. Baker Music & Theatre Summer Camp fScholarship is for students attending Coldwater Legg Middle School or Coldwater High School seeking to increase proficiency in music, choral, or theater experience at a summer camp.


More information about both Scholarships can be found on our website linked below. This is also where students will find the application. View Website Branch County Community Foundation

  • Students - remember CHS is offering drop-in after school homework support. This will be held in room 102, every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:50 pm - 5:00 pm. You can also come in to take an online test. See Mr. Shirk in the guidance office if you have any questions!

  • Students - you will no longer be allowed to have any food or drinks in the library.  AM BACC students will now eat their breakfast at the table in the main lobby and then go to the library to wait for the bus. AM BACC students are not allowed to wait in the main lobby for the bus.

  • A note from the Aquatic Center.  Students must have a current ID card or another form of ID to come to the aquatic center without a parent.  If you need a replacement ID, please see Mrs. Marsh in the library.

  • Big news, Coldwater High School! All students have the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica with Ms. Davis & Mr. DeMeester in the Summer of 2024. We will be going over all the details in a virtual informational meeting on September 26th. Use this link to register for the meeting: View Website EF Education First International Ltd

  • If you did not pick up your yearbook, please see Mrs. Hazel before or after school in room 136.  If you would still like to purchase a yearbook, the cost is $65.  Please bring cash or a check payable to CHS Yearbook.  First come, first serve.

There is a lot of news in the announcements regarding athletic contests.  Check out the online announcements to see the latest and greatest from all the Spring teams.


All girls interested in trying out for cheerleading for the Fall Season 2024. Please sign up in the athletic office.

Want to Know What’s for Breakfast and Lunch at CHS?

Check out the food menu for breakfast and lunch at all Coldwater Community Schools at:

View Website Nutrislice

Go Cards!