Our School
About Legg Middle School
Legg Middle School was named for Louis E. Legg, a Coldwater businessman who donated the site. The school opened in the fall of 1967 and was designed to house grades 7, 8, and 9. This building consolidated the seventh and eighth grades from St. Charles, Lakeland, and Roosevelt Junior High, and ninth grade from Coldwater High School.
The Building, which was designed in cooperation with a group of teachers from Roosevelt, has many outstanding features. The building is divided into three grade wings projecting from a central area housing a media center, planetarium, cafeteria, offices, and classrooms designed for electives and other special classes. For the last several years, the student population has been near 800 students with a faculty of over forty.
On May 12, 1980, by action of the Coldwater Board of Education, Legg Middle School was created to include the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.